Every guinea pig owner knows that their pet’s life quality depends tremendously on its diet. This is not only what your cavy eats, but also drinks. Of course, giving fresh water to the furry ball is a no-brainer. But what about other liquids?
Can guinea pigs drink milk? Guinea pigs are mammals that can drink mothers milk while they are still babies. But adult guinea pigs cannot include milk in their everyday diet as they are lactose intolerant.
But will anything bad happen if you give milk to your guinea pig? Today, all of these questions will be answered. So keep on reading!
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What Should Be the Basic Guinea Pig Diet?

There is nothing too tricky about a guinea pig’s overall diet. Moreover, it is straightforward to find a healthy option of mixtures and pellets in your local pet shop.
Guinea pigs don’t need a lot of food. A full spoon in the morning and another one in the evening would do just fine.
But bear in mind that these cuties need a constant supply of fresh hay so that they can take care of their teeth that keep on growing throughout their whole lives.
Of course, many owners want to go the extra mile and create a personal menu for their beloved pets. This might be an exciting challenge, as guinea pigs are the type of animals that have a vivid personal taste.
So it might be exciting for you, as the owner, to take your time to find out what your fluffy ball doesn’t like and what kind of foods make it squeal with joy. Simply follow a few basic safety rules while trying to treat your guinea pig with something new.
Some fruits and vegetables can surely cause more harm than good, so don’t forget to do your research before serving.
What Do Guinea Pigs Drink on a Daily Basis?

Guinea pigs drink water daily. The liquid has to be fresh and clean.
If you want to give your beloved guinea pig solemnly water (out of the liquid department), it will do just fine. In fact, changing the supply once a day would be enough to ensure that your guinea pig is thriving.
However, if you choose to use a bowl instead of a bottle, you might need to refresh the water supply a bit more often. The thing is that the bowls can get dirty extremely fast, and you certainly don’t want your pet to be consuming dangerous liquid.
Usually, guinea pigs drink around 3.3 ounces of water per day. But that does not mean that you have to give them that bowl full of liquid and then take it away.
Constant water supply is crucial for the animal’s health. So, if there is something about your pet’s well-being that you have to pay extra attention to – it is certainly the liquid that it is consuming.
Can Guinea Pigs Drink Milk?

Guinea pigs are mammals. Hence, during the first days of their lives, their mother feeds them milk.
But as soon as the guinea pig becomes old enough to start consuming regular food, the need for milk disappears. The cavy does not need any additional white liquid to thrive and be healthy.
Moreover, a lot of experts agree that guinea pigs are lactose intolerant. It means that any product containing lactose (milk included) can cause pain, diarrhea, or become a poisonous substance for your guinea pig. In the most severe cases, the poor thing might die.
However, there might be situations when the mother refuses to feed her baby. Then you would have to provide the little guy with milk all on your own to ensure that it survives.
How Much Should I Feed a Baby Guinea Pig?

To feed a baby guinea pig, you either give a mixture of evaporated milk and water (50/50) or goat’s milk (full fat). Do not use a syringe as it might be dangerous. A usual teaspoon will do.
You would need to feed the little one every hour or so. Don’t worry about the dosage, as the baby will stop drinking the milk as soon as it is full.
By the way, you can use a small piece of bread that has been soaked in the white liquid (if you’re afraid to feed the little thing with the help of a teaspoon, for example). The babies will be able to suck on it.
Also, if the baby guinea pig does not have a mother or has been rejected in all possible ways – you would have to keep it warm and cozy.
Moreover, the babies don’t understand when they need to go to the toilet, so you better encourage the cavies to urinate or poo after every feeding session.
Can Guinea Pigs Drink Milk on a Daily Basis?

Guinea pigs should not drink milk as soon as they become old enough to consume normal food. There are two main reasons for that, such as the following:
- Guinea pigs are lactose intolerant, as mentioned above. However, some pet owners are sure that not all guinea pigs can negatively react to lactose. But still, it is not a great idea to experiment on your beloved pet.
- There is simply no need to give your guinea pig the white fluid. Even if you decide to treat your little one with soy milk (that does not have lactose), it will be a waste of your energy and time. The guinea pig needs no essential elements as it gets everything it needs from its daily diet.
Drinks That Are Dangerous for Guinea Pigs
All guinea pig owners should know that some products and liquids are hazardous for their pets. Some substances are safe for humans but can cause some health problems or even death in a guinea pig.
The animals should not have anything high in fat, sugar, or salt. Therefore, guinea pigs can’t have juices, soda, carbonated drinks, coffee, teas, and alcohol.
It might also be a great idea to forget about any kinds of experiments with the types of liquids you want to give to your pet.
Other Dangerous Foods
Meat and eggs are not healthy for your guinea pigs. As sugar is bad for guinea pigs, you should not only not give them any sweets but also pay extra attention to the number of fruits and vegetables that your pet is consuming. When it comes to your pet’s diet, it is always better to stick to the basics.
Here is a video about harmful and unhealthy treats for guinea pigs:
Why Is Liquid So Important?

In biology, all vital processes in an organism require water. And that is true both for humans and animals. Just like humans, guinea pigs need fluid to breathe, digest, protect the internal organs, regulate the body’s temperature, and so on. Without water, you wouldn’t be able to eliminate all the wastes that your body accumulates throughout the day.
All-in-all, guinea pigs need fluids to survive. And water will do the job for them just fine.
Related: What Do Guinea Pigs Drink? | Information and Facts!