Today, we will talk about grape tomatoes! It is a bite-size, flavorful, small tomato that looks like huge cherries. They are amazing by themselves, in salads, as toppings on meals, or in smoothies – very versatile, healthy, and tasty!
But do guinea pigs like to eat this? Is it safe for them to consume grape tomatoes?
Can guinea pigs eat grape tomatoes? Guinea pigs can safely eat grape tomatoes, and they love them too. The edible parts of grape tomatoes are the flesh, seeds, and skin. Stem and leaves of any type of tomato are poisonous and should be avoided.
Now let’s see if it is good for guinea pigs and the benefits and risks of feeding grape tomatoes to your little pet.
Table of Content
Are Grape Tomatoes Good for Guinea Pigs? | Health Benefits

Grape tomatoes are good for your little pet. It is packed with nutrients, essential to guinea pig’s health.
Here are some of its health benefits:
Low in Calories and Fat
The grape tomatoes are not very caloric, making them perfect for those with special nutrition plans or diets, and guinea pigs fall into this category.
Also, they have no fat content. As a food item, this makes the grape tomatoes a light and easy food, exactly what guinea pigs need.
Cardiovascular Health
Since there is no cholesterol, this makes grape tomatoes a perfect food for the cardiovascular health of guinea pigs. The cholesterol causes clogged blood vessels and hypertension (or heart problems).
With its potassium content, there is less risk of stroke, blood pressure problems, kidney issues, and lower stress levels. Guinea pigs can get stressed too!
With the carbs and proteins, there will be both fast and slow-release energy, depending on the serving size the guinea pig has consumed.
There are also fibers in the grape tomatoes, which can improve the digestion of the guinea pigs. The cavies will have regular and better bowel movements with the grape tomatoes.
With vitamin A, almost all guinea pig organs will improve or stay healthy.
Vitamin C and Iron
Most importantly, there is some vitamin C in grape tomatoes, which is crucial for guinea pigs. If they are in a deficit of vitamin C, they are prone to a scurvy disease, which is dangerous. It leads to swellings in joints, internal bleeding, loose stool, and rough fur.
There is also iron in grape tomatoes, which is important for healthy blood. Iron is vital for curing anemia and other blood-related issues in guinea pigs.
Nutrition Facts of Grape Tomatoes

In 100 g (3 oz) of grape tomatoes, or 13 grape tomatoes, these are the nutritional facts:
- Total of 27 Calories (not very caloric and suitable for all nutrition plans)
- 0 g Fat (this means blood vessels will not be clogged with fats)
- 0 mg Cholesterol (this is great because it will also keep blood vessels unclogged and heart-healthy, cholesterol is known to cause cardiovascular problems)
- 2 mg Sodium (a normal amount of salt for a veggie)
- 247 mg Potassium (prevention from stroke, high blood pressure, kidney and heart problems, and stress)
- 5 g Carbs (fast energy)
- 2 g Fiber (for good digestion and bowel movements)
- 3 g Sugar (a normal amount of sugar for a veggie)
- 1 g Protein (for slow-release energy that lasts longer during the day)
- 9% Vitamin A (a strong antioxidant that protects from free radical damage and illnesses. This vitamin keeps lungs, vision, skin, kidneys, and heart-healthy)
- 43% Vitamin C (the most needed and important vitamin for cavies – they cannot be healthy without this)
- 6% Iron (good for the blood)
Are Grape Tomatoes Bad for Guinea Pigs? | Risks to Consider

Grape tomatoes can be bad for guinea pigs if unproperly served. Below are some of its possible health risks:
- The stems and leaves of grape tomatoes have a plant poison called ‘solanine glycoalkaloid.’ This is toxic for guinea pigs, so they can only eat tomatoes’ flesh, seeds, and skin. This toxin is seen in potatoes, too, as well as eggplants.
- There is a bit of sugar in grape tomatoes, so don’t feed the cavy too much to avoid the excess sugars.
Serving Size and Frequency of Grape Tomatoes for Guinea Pigs

Basically, the frequency of serving grape tomatoes is not strict for guinea pigs. You can give grape tomatoes to the guinea pigs almost every other day.
It depends on how often you feed the guinea pigs with grape tomatoes. But in general, a quarter of a normal tomato is fine, or in this case, 2-3 small grape tomatoes for the serving size.
More Information About Guinea Pigs and Grape Tomatoes
Do Guinea Pigs Like Grape Tomatoes?

Guinea pigs love all types of tomatoes – grape, cherry, Roma, and others. This tomato is very beneficial and tasty for guinea pigs, and it’s like regular food and a treat at the same time.
What Are Other Types of Tomatoes Good for Guinea Pigs?
All types of tomatoes are healthy for guinea pigs, such as cherry, Roma or plum tomatoes, beef tomatoes, yellow tomatoes, etc. Of course, these tomatoes should be served only in the proper amount and frequencies.
However, you should not feed your guinea pigs with unripe green tomatoes, as it contains a plant poison called solanine.
Feed them only with the ripe ones, although there are types of tomatoes that are still green when it ripens. Hence, it can also be fed to your guinea pigs.
Here is a video about tomato varieties:
Can Guinea Pigs Eat Canned Tomatoes?

You should not give your guinea pigs any processed or cooked foods, and tomatoes are not exempted, such as canned tomatoes and tomato sauce. Any cooked foods or foods with additives can cause harm to your guinea pigs.
Hence, you should feed them with washed, ripe, and raw tomatoes only.
Quick Facts on Grape Tomatoes
- Grape tomatoes are the newest and smallest of the roughly 4,000 tomato types available.
- There is a minimal amount of calcium in grape tomatoes which is good for guinea pigs.
- Grape tomatoes are a cross between Roma, tear-drop, and cherry tomatoes.
- When the grape tomatoes turn a pink or light red tint, it’s time for their harvest so that they can become sufficiently sweet.
We have also made a full list of foods that guinea pigs can and can’t eat (150+ Types of Foods). Be sure to also check our recommended products page for everything you will ever need to assure a happy life for your Guinea Pigs. Hope this information was helpful and you have found the answer you were looking for.
Related: Can Guinea Pigs Eat Tomatoes? (Possible Risks & Serving Size)
List of Sources
The Nutrition Source: Potassium